Saturday, June 14, 2008

Being Real...

Many of you have visited Angie Smith's site "Bring the Rain" and have told me how touched you have been from her story (which I originally found via my friend Brad's blog at Late last night, I was reading through the "comments" section on one of her postings, and someone asked that she check out this site: It is the blog of another family going through some pretty hard stuff.

Disclaimer: Matt (that's who is blogging) is very real about what he is experiencing. Real as in using some four-letter words some may find offensive. Once you see what he is dealing with; however, you will find he is totally justified in using them. On the right hand side of his blog, you will see a link entitled warning. Click there first. Then click on If you haven't been here before to get the story from the beginning.

Disclaimer Number 2: If you are pregnant (yes, that means you JEN!), it may be best for you to wait until after you deliver to read. I should have given Jen that disclaimer about Angie's site, poor girl!

I'm not sure why I have been so touched as of late with these stories. One thing I do know: Dan and I have been working on how to be REAL, and I think both Angie and Matt teach me how to do that in different ways. We are trying to undo some "churchiness" (yes, it's a word!) that has crept in over the years to learn how to be accessible. Genuine. Human. Not seperated from others.

Anyone tracking with me?




Brad Ruggles said...

I'm totally with you on the being real stuff. It's amazing how much "churchiness" and religion can creep in through the years. I'm all about trying to be real about what I'm feeling, what I'm thinking and where I fall short.

Jen Holt said...

thank you, thank you, thank you for the disclaimer, and yes, i could have used one for angies story! i am going to bypass for now, but please remind me sometime in september or whenever my hormones are back to normal (if that will ever happen).

Andi said...

You know I'm trackin...